Banksy in New York Defaced

Considered one of the most important artists of contemporary art, Bristol-born street artist, Banksy’s work has appeared on walls, streets, and bridges throughout the world. Although he is a mystery, he has been creating satirical street art since the 90s. He consistently uses dark humor and graffiti to create pieces that have both a political and a social message. His work has caused people to wonder where the line between high art and vandalism is drawn.  Although many consider his work to be destructive vandalism, he has generated conversations about the political and social state of the world. Banksy is showing in NYC:

In October 2013, Banksy began his self-proclaimed residency on the streets of New York City. Inspired by impressionist painter Paul Cezanne’s quote, “Better Out Than In,” Banksy set out to create a new piece of art every day during October. His pieces have ranged from installations, short videos, performance art, and his signature stencil art. As he gained popularity, he began playing a game of hide-and-seek with his admirers. Where will Banksy show up next?

In the middle of his residency, Mayor Bloomberg held a press conference in which he denounced Banksy’s art calling it vandalism. He created an anti-graffiti task force whose goal was to stop Banksy’s New York City residency. Nonetheless, Banksy continued to dodge the police and his critics as he placed his work throughout the city. His art has appeared  up in the Upper West Side, Hell’s Kitchen, East Village, Woodside, Coney Island, Tribeca, Yankee Stadium, and Queens.

Banksy was not respected as an artist in the art world until later in his career. Many people have admired his work, largely because it is tangible for the average New Yorker. Banksy’s work causes viewers to wonder, what makes something be called art? The answer is subjective; however, Banksy’s work proves that art has no boundaries and is self-defined. Many have viewed Banksy’s art as destructive, looking deeper at his pieces allows viewers to glance inside Banksy’s mind and understand what art means to him.

“The Banksy in New York: Defaced” is unmissable as it allows viewers to explore themes important to the artist. Throughout the exhibit, viewers see pieces throughout his career with an emphasis on his time in New York City. His residency in New York City was a historical time for art. He created pieces that were accessible to New Yorkers, bringing high art to the average person. Understanding the multi-layered story behind his residency and pieces allows viewers to experience the thoughts and emotions provoked by each of his pieces. Banksy’s pieces will forever be remembered and admired as consistently provoking thought and stirring controversy through each of his mediums. Banksy reminds people not to be afraid of pushing boundaries and fight against the status quo.

Article + Images by Angie Hines, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine
Tearsheets by Summer Safi, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine