Charles Meka’s Afro unisex streetwear brand, Black Manner, was founded in 2018 after being heavily inspired and motivated by his new surroundings: Montreal Canada. His vision went far beyond simply achieving a college education in Montreal and creating another brand. He was determined to promote the talent and passion of Afro youth to the world, which he thought deserved to see their potential and their excellence. Thus, Black Manner was born. Working with a multitude of ambitious and diverse youths, Black Manner offers unique pieces that not only brings comfort but also conveys a strong message for the Black community, further passing on Charles’ inspiring manifesto.

When was your first spark of an idea for the creation of Black Manner? Was there a specific moment or was the brand conceived through years and years of slow but progressive build-up?
It started during summer 2015, when I arrived in the beautiful city of Montreal to begin my university studies. I remember that from this period, I liked doing graphic designs on my computer. I often showed them to my family and they found what I was doing beautiful. Towards the end of 2016, I just had this idea in mind to design t-shirts. Beginning of 2018, I spent a lot of time at the library, because the validation of my diploma was fast approaching. I had set myself the goal of starting my business when I graduated (in 2018). So, I spent hours working on the ideas not of a t-shirt company, but of a meaningful brand. Over time and with a lot of reflection I chose the name BLACK MANNER. I chose this name because through my brand I want to express deep ideas related to the Black community. My brand really has existed since June 1, 2018.

Throughout your journey of building your brand have you ever experienced discrimination? How did you overcome it?
Honestly, I don't think I've ever experienced any kind of discrimination during the construction of my brand. Maybe it happened and I didn't pay attention to it. However, I saw people around me who had to face discriminatory situations, and these situations inspired me and are part of the sources of inspiration in connection with the vision and the optics of my brand.

Do you have any encouraging words or advice for the young people who would like to create their own fashion empire?
Never wait for the right moment to embark on a project, because the right moment simply does not exist! If I waited for the right moment to start, my brand wouldn't exist today. You just have to believe in yourself, have confidence in your idea, and have a clear and precise vision. Start as soon as you can and see what happens. In the world of fashion, you will meet great people in various fields. You will make mistakes at the beginning, it's true, but you will learn from your mistakes. It is true that it is good to have the courage to start, but it is also good to be informed and to know how the fashion business works : you need to know who your suppliers will be, how will you reach your potential customers, what marketing strategies to put in place. All that is really important to know before getting into fashion. Honestly, I have no fashion background. I just have a vision and am learning on the job.

I know we’re not supposed to pick favorites here but do you have a favorite piece in Black Manner’s current collection?
This question is a really difficult one, because every piece I design I do it with passion and deep thought. If I had to answer sincerely I would tell you that I love all the pieces. However, currently I will tell you the '' RÊVEUR INCOMPRIS '' sweater, because you can get the best idea, but always be misunderstood by others. It may take you years and years before people can see your vision and buy into your ideas. '' RÊVEUR INCOMPRIS '' in English means “MISUNDERSTOOD DREAMER.”

Can we get a small spoiler on your/Black Manner’s future releases/inspirations?
We want to extend our vision to other horizons and really gain visibility. We plan a new collection for  fall 2022 with exclusive pieces. Collaborating with other brands and organizations would be a good idea in order to share our ideas with different audiences. We want to travel the world and leave an imprint on people's minds.

Did you ever experience a slump in your motivation while creating Black Manner, if yes, how did you push on and not give up?
Without any doubt, yes! As I said before, waiting for the right moment before launching is not the best solution. I have been lucky since I started by  being well surrounded, which is really important. Because of my positive mind and my motivation, my loved ones are really the ones who support me on a daily basis. Especially my mother who is my main source of motivation, and who is really involved in my business. Even now, I have a lot of challenges that I face, but that's part of the game, and I will never forget the reason I started.

Do you have any specific figure that you are most inspired by, whether it be people, art, or even scenery?
I'm very inspired by the musical world, especially rap music. You find rappers who have a lot to say and convey numerous messages in their music. Through their experiences they inspire many things and teach lessons. The world of cinema, especially Black community films such as “GET RICH OR DIE TRYING,” inspires me too. Putting it all together, you see you have nothing to lose by trying, and you have to fight for your place.

We see here that Black Manner’s designs heavily feature iconic quotes and phrases. How did you and your team come up with these? Were they carefully planned out and edited or did they come from sudden bursts of inspiration?
I am really inspired by the artistic universe, but also by certain social inequalities that the Black community can encounter. We could have done like some other brands in just writing messages of support on what we are selling, but we still want to support this Black community with deep messages. For every piece that we put out, even if the goal is to represent the Black community, we always use deep imagination to bring out eye-catching images and messages.

Black Manner’s current collection does not feature a lot of color use. Will color be something you are willing to explore more on for future releases or will Black Manner’s color scheme be predominantly black, white, and grey?
You are right, we mainly use these colors because for us they are colors which are easy to operate. However, it would eventually be possible to find unique pieces being more colored.

Will Black Manner ever release more accessories or is this a secret?
It would be possible that we do it, but we are more comfortable to spread our messages on clothes. It is something conceivable, because accessories are familiar objects that we can have on us at all times.

What is your favorite advice or tip on how to venture out into the world of fashion or the world in general while staying positive and motivated.
People tend to complain and find excuses. Every time we have a problem, we think we're the only one struggling and it’s the end of the world. However, is complaining the real solution to our problems? My grandmother always told me every problem has a solution, and since she told me that my problems are gone.

Social Media.
Instagram: @charlesmeka
Twitter: @meka_charles
YouTube: BlackManner Clothing

Interview by Charlice Cuaresma, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine
Tearsheets by Alexa Dyer, Graphic Design Coordinator, PhotoBook Magazine
*All photos courtesy of Black Manner