Jaidyn Triplett, Bright Future of a Young Star

The young star boasts an impressive resume, having starred in Paramount's "iCarly" and soon to appear in the upcoming film "Huntology." Now, she's set to make her mark in the music industry with her debut album, "Young Girl with a Big Dream." We had the pleasure of interviewing this talented teen, Jaidyn Triplett to learn more about her Afro-Latina background, inspirations, and hobbies. By the time she’s in her 20s, her name will undoubtedly be unforgettable.

Congratulations on the release of your debut album, "Young Girl with a Big Dream"! This is an incredible achievement, especially at just 13 years old. Can you share the first moment when you recognized your singing talent and thought, "Wow, I can really sing well"?
Thank you! I’m extremely proud of my accomplishments. Achieving this at only thirteen years old is truly mind blowing. I really had to find where my voice sits most comfortably. Belting is something I’m still practicing and something I enjoy doing but, my voice sits best as an airy falsetto tone. Similar to Billie Eillish.

Who is your music specifically aimed at? Additionally, do you believe your music has the potential to make a significant impact on the world or society one day?
My music is aimed at the teens and others my age who can relate and understand the music. That is the kind of music l look for and listen to. As far as making a significant impact, absolutely! That is my main inspiration for creating music. I hope the music l make can really inspire others in my age group.

Is there a particular singer you admired while growing up? Is there potential for a future collaboration?
I would love to star in a musical to be able to marry music and acting together. My favorite musical of all time is Hamilton. To be able to work with Lin Manuel Miranda would be a dream come true. I would love to act and sing in a school play sometime, and continue to explore my sound.

We know you’re not only a singer but also an actor, starring as “Millicent” on the Paramount series iCarly. Would you say that acting is as challenging as singing, or do you find it to be the opposite?
I’ve been acting much longer than I have been singing. My biggest challenge was finding where I felt the most comfortable in my voice without feeling like I was forcing it. Singing was much harder for me to get used to. I’ve always been amazing at memorizing sides and scripts so acting always came naturally.

On September 13th, we'll also see you star in the upcoming horror film "Huntology." How does this role differ from playing the light-hearted "Millicent"? Will you be tapping into a darker side with your new character?
Fans can expect to laugh, cry, and get jump scared. The movie will really have you on the edge of your seat! My character Venus is going through a crisis every teen faces of not knowing yourself and who you want to be. The journey will make the audience not only relate but fall in love with the character as they find themselves. This character is very different from Millicent, but another role that was easy to play. I got to make the character my own, while still maintaining her values and struggles.

How do you balance your career and school? Do you follow a routine to keep everything on track? If so, could you describe a typical day from morning to night?
Dealing with work and school, it can get quite overwhelming. I had to learn how to calm down and analyze each situation accordingly. Retraining myself to prioritize finding solutions instead of harping on what’s out of my control. Mental health can affect everything from your behavior and mood, to your grades in school. Having a routine can be a hard thing to maintain, but I try to incorporate my creative hobbies into my everyday routine, like baking, hair, nails etc. They keep my brain working, and it’s something I find entertaining!

How has your Afro-Latina background shaped who you are today? Are there specific cultural traditions from both your Latin and African heritage that you celebrate?
Being Afro-Latina has affected me very much. I’ve always embraced both my cultures, I think the best example of celebrating both is Juneteenth and the month of June being Puerto Rico's month. I am able to celebrate and represent both on social media. Whether it’s hair, outfits, or even speaking Spanish, I love to incorporate my culture into my everyday life.

In today's society, do you feel that the portrayal of Afro-Latina characters is accurate, or are there underlying issues that need to be addressed to represent the community in the best possible way?
I think that there has been more representation for Afro-Latinas in recent years. I am so glad that we are finally being acknowledged and represented in the entertainment field. If we continue on this path we can continue to be seen in many different fields. I believe we should have more hair representation with professionally trained curly hair stylists. A lot of people go to cosmetology school and don’t learn how to properly manage curly hair. It’s important that we shouldn’t have to worry about our hair when arriving on set. At the end of the day, more people of color on camera requires more people of color off camera.

Lastly, we've heard that as a hobby you enjoy baking cheesecakes and other desserts. Are there any other hobbies or career aspirations you'd like to add to your already impressive resume?
I often enjoy baking my gourmet desserts for close friends. It would be amazing to further expand my baking business too! I’ve baked cakes for a lot of my friends and family but I would love to one day expand my menu and my clientele. Doing my makeup and nails, and creating music, are also hobbies I enjoy doing in my free time. Music is very therapeutic for me so that’s something I would love to continue pursuing. More albums in the future, music videos, and more!

Talent: Jaidyn Triplett
PhotoBook Editor-In-Chief: Alison Hernon
PhotoBook Creative Director: Mike Ruiz
Photographer: Storm Santos
Fashion Stylist: Ambika Sanjana
Hair + Makeup: Kachay Dorsey
Tearsheets by Daniel López, Art Director, PhotoBook Magazine
Interview by Renee Birchwood, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine
RADAR Created by Ayoka Lucas