Kfir's New Single, F.A.B

1. We’re so glad to have you back on PhotoBook with your latest single. Can you share the story behind this song and what it personally means to you?
FAB started as a club inspiration. Last fall I went to a dance party called Battle Hymn in NYC and for some reason that night (not that I go out often) I was more people watching and listening to what the DJ was playing and reactions than dancing. In came this beautiful creature, full of confidence, and not caring who is around, holding a club fan in their hand and wearing an elaborate outfit, she started dancing so hard they cleared the floor. That night as I was leaving, they started saying FAN A BITCH and basically filed it on my phone till one day I just started singing the chorus, and it all started from that point. Today Fan a Bitch means even more to me since on that track I’m also featuring Sis, who is an amazing performer in her own right, but she is also a great LGBTQ activist and especially with everything that's happening now in the world, her voice, lyrics, and presence on this track means more. In a fun sassy way. Fan a Bitch means to grab someone's attention and be unapologetic about who you are. Bringing back attitude and confidence to a lot of people who lost it especially now or in the past.  

2. How is this single​ ​different from your previous releases?
My last single Gigolo came out a month ago, so it's still very fresh to me. The two songs share the same producer, so sonically I think that they are related, both are upbeat and initially pointing towards the dance floor. Gigolo is more four on the floor and somewhat disco, while Fan a Bitch is a club anthem track that's reminiscent of Giorgio Mordor tracks back in the ’70s, but it has a 2020 sonic feel, inspired by the vogue ballroom scene. Lyrically Gigolo is more vulnerable, co-dependent, and heartfelt. But Fan a Bitch is his big roaring sister that just wants to have fun and doesn't give a F*** about who's watching. She has all the nerves.  

3. Tell us about your process when creating this track.
I knew from the beginning that I was looking for another voice to help me carry the track and give it the attitude I was looking for. So, after sending my chorus idea to my co-writer Javier Crdellino we had a writing session built around the idea and in less than an hour came up with the verses and pre-choruses and that all we had. A few weeks later I was introduced to Sis through a mutual friend, and we clicked. I told her about the track, idea behind it, and what I was looking for. In the first writing session we had. She totally nailed it. After I heard her voice and writings on the demo I knew this was it. The bridge section came up at the very end since I wanted to capture something more global and include as many people in the track as possible, I came up with an idea that my producer, BenBeatz, and I call the runway moment where lyrically I mention most of the biggest LGBTQ friendly cities and club scenes around the globe.

Left:  Vest + Pants by HIROMI ASAI at Flying Solo T-shirt by Model’s Own Right:  Suit by Franco Lacosta  Polo by NICESTUFF Clothing

Vest + Pants by HIROMI ASAI at Flying Solo
T-shirt by Model’s Own
Suit by Franco Lacosta
Polo by NICESTUFF Clothing

4. What is your favorite lyric from the track and why?
“Go ahead and clock me, tonight I’m on a roll Bea” are definitely my favorite lyrics. I have and know many trans friend and colleagues, and the words “clock me”  are many times attached to fear of being called out or recognized for being trans or gay. Many ignorant bullies like to put down what seems to be different from them. Having experienced this kind of out casting myself, I wanted to use those words, but in an empowering way, means, “yes I am who I am, and you CAN, clock me”, which, in turn, means you can recognize it, I don’t care and there's nothing you can do about it! I am a person! 

5. How has quarantine impacted your music career?
Beside the ups and downs that take place every day and worrying about how I am going to move forward financially since I am an independent artist, It has actually allowed me the time to be creative, to write more, and to think about better ways to move forward. I learned how to write my own press releases and now I am in the process of doing my own PR and connecting to tons of publications. I often don't get answers back, but I did manage to get a few and to meet some awesome people online who were so kind, supportive, and helpful.

6. What do you want people to know about you or your music that they might not know already?
My music is honest, my music is true to who and what I am or what I am going through. I don’t have a big record label that tells me what to do, I don’t have a big record label budget so I do what I can when I can. The most important thing is that all my music and everything around it comes from my obsessive love for music, creativity and performing arts. With all the feedback I am getting there's a lot that is negative about my voice or my choices or my accent. But one thing is for sure, I do what I want and at least I am not a carbon copy of someone else. I have a unique voice and accent and it’s part of who I am. Above all I believe in it all! And everytime someone says NO all I hear is YES!

7. Would you mind giving us some insight on what’s next?
Well I have 4 more singles coming and I am already working with BenBeatz, my producer on a new amazing track TBA. All I can do is keep on pushing and hopefully start performing when we are all back to normal. 

8.  Is there anything you would like to say to your supporters?
I can’t tell you how much it means the world to me when I touch or move you with my music. I know we are all struggling these days and I am so honored that for at least 3 minutes and 20 seconds I can direct your attention to somewhere else to bask in sound. Music is life and we must keep on living! 

Suit by Franco Lacosta  Polo by Nicestuff

9. What is your motto in life?
Don’t linger, go get it now!

10. Social media/websites?
Web: https://www.kfir.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/kfirmusic/?hl=en
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5vI2xSdnFIeDSa8Ijjmru5
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCatJm-nje0nuuTJK4Ja-gpg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kfirmusic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officalkfir
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kfir-danieli-a8911430/

Crew Credits:
Photographer: Rick Day
Model: Kfir Danieli
Producer: Steve Benisty
Fashion Stylist: Alison Hernon at Agency Gerard Artists
Tearsheets: Wei Liu, Graphic Designer, PhotoBook Magazine