Our Three Dads: A Modern Family Tale in Hollywood

PhotoBook Magazine takes a sneak peek into the wonderfully unique world of Mark, Moke, and Tom, the trio behind the emerging social media brand @our3dads. Along with their seven-year-old twins, Beau and Coy, this Hollywood family is redefining what it means to be a family—traditional in some ways, wildly unconventional in others, and always full of heart and humor.

How would you describe your family dynamic?
Mark: We always get asked if we’re a throuple, but honestly, it’s not like that. It’s both more traditional and crazier at the same time. Tom and I were once married, and after our divorce, we co-parented for the sake of the twins. When Moke came into our lives, it added another layer of love and family. It wasn’t an easy adjustment, but we make it work, and it’s really special. Oh, and Tom now lives in the pool house with the family pets, just to keep things interesting. (Laughs)

The story of how you all became parents is really special. Can you share that journey?
Tom: Absolutely. The twins were born via surrogacy using an egg donor—a molecular biologist, believe it or not. And we had the most amazing surrogate, Ashley. We’re currently planning for baby number three, and this time, Moke will be the biological father! We embrace the beauty of our non-traditional family structure every step of the way.

Your relationship with Ashley, your surrogate, seems unique. What’s that like?
Mark: Oh, it’s beyond unique—it’s rare! When the twins were born, we stayed with Ashley, her husband Matt, and their two daughters for two weeks in Ohio so she could help with breastfeeding. They’re practically family to us now, and here’s the kicker—Ashley and her crew are planning to move from Ohio to LA... and might even live with us! So it’s not just three dads anymore; we’re building a mini-village. (Laughs)

With so much going on, what’s a typical day like in your household?
Moke: Picture this—three dads trying to get twins out the door for school. It’s like a live sitcom every morning. The school drop-off used to confuse people—some thought Tom was their granddad and Mark and I were brothers, or maybe twins (laughs). And then there’s our amazing nanny, Jennie, who’s basically the glue that holds this ship together. I’m also running my art studio, Mark Coffey Artworks, where I create commissioned pieces for some pretty high-profile clients. Fun fact: the kids couldn’t pronounce my name, Mark, when they were little, so they started calling me Moke, and it stuck.

Nanny Jennie sounds like a key player in your lives. Can you tell us more?
Mark: Jennie is a superhero. She keeps our world spinning, from managing the twins' schedules to being a source of emotional support. She’s more than a nanny—she’s family. Without her, this ship would sink fast! (Laughs)

Exciting times ahead with a growing family, but we hear there’s another big event in the works—care to share?
Moke: Oh yes! Mark and I are planning to get married, and we’re beyond thrilled to have Kevin Lee, the preeminent luxury event planner, organizing the wedding. It’s going to be a celebration that combines our love, our family, and all the craziness that comes with it. We’re really looking forward to it!

How do Beau and Coy handle the attention your family gets from the show?
Tom: They love it! We make sure to keep the filming low-key so it doesn’t disrupt their daily life. They’re little stars in their own right and have grown up with cameras, so they’re pros at it by now.

What’s the biggest misconception people have about your family?
Mark: People assume that because our setup is different, it must be chaotic or unstable. But honestly, it’s like any family—just with a few extra layers of craziness! What matters is the love and support we provide for each other. We’re part of a larger trend where divorced parents are choosing cohabitation for the sake of their kids. It works for us, and we’re proud of that.

What’s next for your family and the show?
Moke: We want to keep showing the world that family can look any way you want it to, as long as there’s love and laughter. Our goal is to inspire people to embrace their own unique family dynamics without fear or judgment.

Any advice for others navigating unconventional family situations?
Tom: Keep it light! Humor is key. Communicate openly and love fiercely—there’s no one way to create a family. Just focus on building a loving environment where everyone feels safe and supported. And if you lose a wedding ring somewhere along the way, well, that’s just part of the fun. (Laughs)

To follow the journey of Our Three Dads and see how they juggle twins, art, and life’s surprises, check out their YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok: @our3dads — it’s equal parts chaos and heart, with plenty of laughs in between.

Talent: Our Three Dads
PhotoBook Editor-In-Chief: Alison Hernon
PhotoBook Creative Director + Photographer + Producer: Mike Ruiz
Tearsheets by Daniel López, Art Director, PhotoBook Magazine
RADAR Created by Ayoka Lucas