Reid Miller

Reid Miller is an American actor, director, and writer currently seen in Joe Bell, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, September 2020. He plays Jadin Bell, a gay teenager facing bullying in rural Oregon. Miller is active within the film industry and has directed his own content, winning many awards.

Trailer for Joe Bell is here.

When did you start practicing martial arts? What styles have you been trained in? I started studying martial arts when I was eight years old, I began with Tae Kwon Do but found myself drawn to more artistic styles such as Shodin Ji Do Karate, in which I’m a black belt, and Shaolin Kung Fu as well as Hung Ga. I also love Muay Thai and Mixed Martial Arts.

Do you think your hometown has had an impact on who you are today? Why?
Of course. I grew up in a relatively small town where acting is pretty much non-existent. Because of this, I always felt very out of place. It really showed me the path I wanted to take not just in terms of a career, but in my life.

Left:  Blazer by Dulce Bestia Shirt by Walker Drawas Tie by Walker Drawas Right: Suit by Lords of Fools at Ivan Bitton Style House Turtleneck by Theory Shoes by Jean Baptiste Rautureau

Blazer by Dulce Bestia
Shirt by Walker Drawas
Tie by Walker Drawas
Suit by Lords of Fools at Ivan Bitton Style House
Turtleneck by Theory
Shoes by Jean Baptiste Rautureau

In your most recent film Joe Bell, did you resonate with any part of your character Jadin? In a lot of ways, absolutely. It really showed me just how important mental health is, how important it is to remember to check in on friends and family and just talk to them, be open with them, ask them how they're doing, and loving them completely.

Which of the pieces that you have created such as FLIKKER and Jaeger, did you feel represent you the most? I think both represent different parts of myself, especially at the time they were made. Flikker was sort of a fantastical way of looking at anxiety, the paranoia and panic that can stem from it. While Jaeger on the other hand is just pure popcorn fun; I love action movies, and I hope to be an action star one day, so it was really a starring vehicle to showcase that.

Of all the films you have done, is there a specific genre that you have enjoyed the most? I love Drama. I love going to those places. Don’t get me wrong, I love comedy/romantic comedy as well, it’s so much fun, but Drama for me is way more fulfilling.

What were some films that interested you the most to be a part of the industry? I’ve always loved action films, spy films, superhero films! I love the escapism that comes with that. Being able to check out for an hour and a half and be a part of some grand adventure or battle some larger-than-life villain. That’s all I wanna do. Give people a place to escape.

Are you currently writing or directing anything special we might see in the future? Writing a ton; thanks to the pandemic, I’ve had no other choice but to write! So, it’s been so great to really nail down these ideas. I actually have a script I wrote with my friend, called Because We’re Finite, that we’re trying to get it off the ground right now. It’s about these three teenagers who are dealing with love and addiction in a big city, trying to find their paths in life. It’s vastly different from what I normally write, so it’s nice to feel that my writing is maturing, which I think is largely from writing so much during quarantine.

Left: Blazer by Lords of Fools at Ivan Bitton Style House Turtleneck by Theory Right: Blazer by Bling Is The Thing at Harper’s PR Turtleneck by Theory

Blazer by Lords of Fools at Ivan Bitton Style House
Turtleneck by Theory
Blazer by Bling Is The Thing at Harper’s PR
Turtleneck by Theory

Who is one of your all-time favorite superheroes, and why? Hard question! But I’d definitely say Iron Man, partially because of Robert Downey Jr’s journey. Talk about redemption. It’s so incredible that he fell to the bottom then came back on top as one of the biggest stars in the industry. That’s so inspirational to me.

When preparing for an acting role, what are some practice techniques you use to embody the character? I think it’s very dependent on the role. Jadin for example, having been a real person, just required study, study, study. Talking to his mom, his family, his friends, getting to know as much as humanly possible. How he talked, the music he listened to, etc.      

What is your life motto?
Work hard, do your part, be kind, and the right things will come your way.

Can you link us with your social media’s?
My Instagram is @therealreidmiller, Facebook is just Reid Miller!

Creative Director, Photographer + Producer: Mike Ruiz
Talent: Reid Miller
Fashion Stylist: Alison Hernon at Agency Gerard Artists
Grooming: Ozzie Gutierrez
Tearsheets: Daniel López + Isabella Grieco, Graphic Design, PhotoBook Magazine
Interview: Maya Wilson, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine