Why do we Engage with the Photos that Appear on our Feed?

Scrolling through our Instagram feed has become a favorite pastime, with the feed displaying content tailored to our interests. For instance, if you’re into fashion or photography, your explore page might be filled with stunning content. But what prompts us to click on and interact with a photo? Here are five reasons why we engage with the photos that appear on our feed.

1: Colors that stand out

We prefer bright colors because they immediately grab our attention and subconsciously connect us to nature. For example, red reminds us of ripe fruit like apples, green evokes images of trees, and yellow and orange bring to mind the sun. “ Black and yellow stripes would catch your attention, warning you about the poisonous nature of a wasp. In contrast, green and brown colors and shades would help you feel safe, nature friendly, and sometimes invisible.” (Jurkonytė 2021)

2: Attractive Background

“In addition to the content itself, the structure of your posts also plays a role. Interaction levels are higher with photos and images set against bright backgrounds.” (Powers) The background can be as simple as a yellow backdrop. For a more scenic option, consider taking photos in nature or on a tropical beach.

3: The beauty of your face

Including your face in a photo will instantly attract viewers. It's no secret that we are naturally drawn to faces. Even as babies, we are fascinated by hands, but most importantly, we love to look at faces. “ Georgia Institute of Technology and Yahoo Labs researchers looked at 1.1 million photos on Instagram and found that pictures with human faces are 38 percent more likely to receive likes than photos with no faces. They’re also 32 percent more likely to attract comments. (Maderer)

4: Uniqueness

While scrolling through Instagram, much of your feed might start to look repetitive. However, when you encounter an image that breaks the norm, you’re immediately drawn to interact with it and explore the person’s page. Uniqueness can be found in the following:

  • Posing

  • Photoshopping Capabilities

  • Using objects in a different way than intended

“When you're creating shareable content, it's important to be unique, so your content stands out from the crowd. By creating something that is diversified and different, audiences will be compelled to share your content because there is nothing else like it. (Prodan 2018).”

5: Finding Inspiration

While fashion trends are typically predicted by forecasters, it's common for influencers to wear pieces that spark inspiration in others. This ties into the idea of uniqueness; when someone is inspired by a post, it can lead them to alter their own appearance based on what they saw, creating a trickle effect of inspiration.

In conclusion, these five features are what captivate us and prompt interaction with a photo, whether it’s to admire someone's beauty or to find inspiration for your next outfit.

Article by Renee Birchwood, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine
Tearsheets by Georgia Wallace, Graphic Design Intern, PhotoBook Magazine